"Lupa" is a short film that artfully intertwines the narratives of Filipino Americans, exploring their multilayered experiences with land ownership in their ancestral homeland, the Philippines. At the heart of this film, the breathtaking beauty of the archipelago forms a stark contrast against the backdrop of generational trauma.
This film is not just about land ownership. It's a commentary on how the romance of the homeland can mirror the complexities of cultural identity. An original, sonic score vibrantly underscores each story, further intensifying the breathtaking beauty of the archipelago. The film intricately blends past and present, joy, sorrow and acceptance, and breathtaking beauty. In its exploration of heritage and modernity, "Lupa" paints an evocative picture of how home can embody both beauty and a complex history. Directed, edited, and scored by Kristian Kabuay Runtime: 21mins Presented by the LA Art Box |